Color Tones


Fuchsia Abstract

(Pink, Violet) - The color of Passion




Saraswati – the purple of amethyst was used for protection in battle and as a divine protection from evil. It signifies wealth, power, abundance, good fortune, courage and inspires respect. Purple symbolizes the crown center or 7th chakra which connect you to your higher self and allows you to envision your destiny. When you can visualize your path her on earth, you can manifest your destiny. When you are balanced in this chakra, you will ultimately attract that which you need to materialize for your success and happiness. Ultimately, you feel in control of your life.


Possesses the highest frequency in the visible spectrum and is believed to be the most spiritual color. A violet flame is believed to be the “seventh Ray” and is said to be the energy of mercy and forgiveness.


Pure, clarity, neutralizing energy. clear thinking, speak one’s mind, focus and purpose refined. The joining of all colors of the rainbow equals pure white. Blast of heavenly light.

Bright Pink

Tender color whose message is LOVE, romance, happiness and joy. When worn, pink feels pure and innocent. IT represents marriage and relationships with your significant other, your mother, sister or daughter. It represents female energy, assists with emotional balance and softens negative energy. You can send loving energy to yourself or another; or simply imagine yourself or another wrapped in a pink healing light. When you love yourself your possibilities expand and everything is possible.

Millennium Lavender (Silver tone)

Classic shade, a new tone channeled in as the shift of the year entering 2000. A slight hint of silver adds to this mysterious shade of lavender. Its holds an ascension vibration ushering in new insights and lifting ones vibration, awakening the Soul.


Illumination, love, compassion, success, status Deep understanding of the Soul, higher ideas, wisdom, It inspires higher ideals, luxury, Brightness. Precious metal associated with wealth, grandeur, prosperity.

Banana Yellow

Happy ; in many cultures is the color of status, royalty, and prestige. It symbolizes the sun that causes all living things to grow. Yellow reminds us of joy, friendliness, openness, freedom, enthusiasm and optimism.


Young rice paddies, vibrant, youthful, new beginnings. Heart openings, elevated energetic, excellent health, meditation.


Nature. The range of green is varied and immense. It is the color we associate with nature, trees, grassy fields, lush plants and first signs of spring. Green symbolizes freshness and renewal of life. Green is the color of the 4th chakra (the heart center), the center from which all healing stems. When you re balance in your heart chakra, you are able to empower others. When you are whole in your 4th chakra, you connect with nature and humankind with unconditional love.

Cream Abstract

Earth energies, grounded, solid , Carmel-y comforting. Allows the beauty within to shine elegantly. Wholeness, to be held in safe place.

Blue Abstract (Turq, China Blue)

Sky Blue means tranquility (calming), peacefulness and communication. It vibrates to the 5th chakra (throat center). This chakra when in balance allows you to express yourself both verbally and creatively. With it, you have a sense of who you truly are. You can act as your own advocate. When balanced, the throat center allows for true leadership qualities to come forward, without having a bossy and demanding demeanor. It relates to anything having to do with our voice, singing as well as speaking.


Color of truth, knowledge, spirituality, self cultivation, immortality, and mysticism. It symbolizes spirit in many areas of the world. We visualize the blue of the heavens and the depths of the sea. It can be vibrant, life affirming and tranquil. Symbolizes loyalty, honesty and constancy. It is the color of the 6th chakra (throat center). When this chakra is balanced, you become more open to receive intuitive messages about people, places and other things.


Clear, crystal, tropical waters. Fresh, playful, aligned with spirit guides, able to Receive clearly, a conduit. Insight and wisdom travel on this vibration, leaving all no longer needed behind.

Peach Pink

is soothing, nurturing, feminine and a romantic color. When we think of a peach, we associate it with a sweet and delicious taste, and it stimulates our sense of touch; warm, fuzzy and receptive. It is comfortable and comforting color that may also be used for attracting energy. Healed inner child at peace.